004 : Dog Breed Prediction

This technical report outlines the process of training a deep learning model for dog breed classification using a dataset of dog images.
The goal is to create a model that can classify dog images into one of 120 different breeds, which in actual, achieving high accuracy (93%).
The code provided utilizes several pre-trained convolutional neural networks (CNNs) as feature extractors and a simple deep neural network (DNN) for classification.


The dataset used for this task consists of dog images categorized into 120 different breeds. The dataset contains a list of image filenames and their corresponding breed labels. Key components of the dataset processing include:

  • Data Loading: The code loads a list of image filenames and their associated labels. The images are read, resized to a specified dimension (331x331), and stored in the `X` array, while their corresponding breed labels are stored in the `Y` array.
  • Label Encoding (One-Hot): The integer class indices in the `Y` array are further converted into one-hot encoded vectors using the to_categorical function from Keras.

Training Dataset (Source: Kaggle)

Streamlit Deployment UI

Feature Extraction

Feature extraction is a crucial step in deep learning when working with pre-trained models. The code uses the following pre-trained CNN architectures as feature extractors:

  • InceptionV3
  • InceptionResNetV2
  • Xception
Each of these models is applied to the input data after appropriate preprocessing using their respective preprocessors. Data preprocessing typically includes mean-centering and scaling of pixel values. The extracted features are then concatenated to create a final feature vector for each image.

Model Architecture

A simple DNN is used for classification on top of the extracted features. The DNN architecture includes the following layers:

  • The model is compiled using the Adam optimizer and categorical cross-entropy loss, which is suitable for multi-class classification tasks.
  • Input Layer: The input shape matches the size of the concatenated feature vectors from the CNNs.
  • Dropout Layer: A dropout layer with a dropout rate of 0.7 is added for regularization.
  • Dense Layer: A dense layer with 120 units (equal to the number of dog breeds) and a softmax activation function for multi-class classification.

Model Training & Validation

The training process involves splitting the dataset into multiple folds using stratified k-fold cross-validation (in this case, 3 folds). Each fold is used as both the training and validation set in different iterations. Training includes the following steps:

  • Model Initialization: For each fold, a new instance of the DNN model is created.
  • Model Compilation: The DNN is compiled with the Adam optimizer, categorical cross-entropy loss, and accuracy as the evaluation metric.
  • Training: The model is trained on the extracted features from the training fold for a specified number of epochs. An early stopping callback is used to prevent overfitting and to save the best model.
  • Validation: The model's performance is evaluated on the validation fold, and accuracy and loss metrics are recorded.

Model Results & Conclusion

The training process is repeated for each fold, resulting in three separate trained models. The results are evaluated using the following metrics:

  • Accuracy: The average accuracy across the folds is computed to assess the model's overall performance.
  • Loss: The average loss across the folds is calculated as a measure of model performance.
  • The trained models are saved for future use, allowing for dog breed classification on new images.

In this experiment, I presented a comprehensive overview of the process of training a deep learning model for dog breed classification. The combination of pre-trained CNNs for feature extraction and a DNN for classification yielded a competitive performance in classifying dog breeds. The model's ability to generalize to new data can make it a valuable tool for dog breed recognition tasks. Further improvements could be made by fine-tuning the pre-trained models or experimenting with different architectures.

Model Demo

The model is deployed on Streamlit.