003 : Scientific Abstract Classification

In scientific research, classifying and organizing articles is crucial due to the increasing number of publications. Using Transformer models and ensemble learning is an effective method for automated categorization. Transformers excel in processing language and complex data, while ensemble learning combines independent models to enhance overall accuracy and generalization.
This approach aids researchers, students, and experts in accessing relevant materials easily.

Project Color Palette

Model Framework

The system architecture comprises three main classification models:

  • Model 1: Standalone RoBERTA
  • Model 2: RoBERTA + LDA
  • Model 3: TF-IDF + Logistic Regression
All three models independently contribute to predicting the outcome of the input text segment. The final result will be determined through a majority voting system, selecting the outcome with the highest number of votes (most frequent).
In the above diagram,
  • Em = Embedding
  • Tm = Topic Models
  • FC = Fully Connected Layer
  • C1 to C2 correspond to the groups CR, CL, ...

Input and Output

The challenge is how to automatically categorize scientific articles into specific topics, fields, or research types. Given the diversity and complexity of articles, accurate automated classification is a significant challenge.
The input consists of abstracts of scientific articles represented as text.
The output is the classification of each article into topics, fields, or research types. For example, labels could be topics like biology, machine learning, physics, or fields like medicine, information technology, economics. The goal is to predict and assign an appropriate label to each article based on its content and context.
In the context of this project, the articles will be classified into the following 7 groups:

  • Computation and Language (CL)
  • Cryptography and Security (CR)
  • Distributed and Cluster Computing (DC)
  • Data Structures and Algorithms (DS)
  • Logic in Computer Science (LO)
  • Networking and Internet Architecture (NI)
  • Software Engineering (SE)

Dataset for Experiment

The dataset provided for the sharing task of "The First Workshop and Shared Task on Topic Classification in Scientific Articles" (SPDRA 2021) includes 16,800 training examples, 11,200 validation examples, and 7,000 test examples.

Category Train Validation Test
Computation and Language (CL) 2,740 1,866 1,194
Cryptography and Security (CR) 2,660 1,835 1,105
Distributed and Cluster Computing (DC) 1,042 1,355 803
Data Structures and Algorithms (DS) 2,737 1,774 1,089
Logic ib Computer Science (LO) 1,811 1,217 772
Networking and Internet Architecture (NI) 2,764 1,826 1,210
Software Engineering (SE) 2,046 1,327 827
Total 16,800 11,200 7,000

Reddy, Saichethan; Saini, Naveen (2021), “SDPRA 2021 Shared Task Data”, Mendeley Data, V1, doi: 10.17632/njb74czv49.1

However, due to time and computational constraints, the report only utilizes a random sample of 100 documents. The distribution of topics and documents across training, validation, and test sets is as follows:

Category Train Validation Test
Computation and Language (CL) 100 20 20
Cryptography and Security (CR) 100 20 20
Distributed and Cluster Computing (DC) 100 20 20
Data Structures and Algorithms (DS) 100 20 20
Logic ib Computer Science (LO) 100 20 20
Networking and Internet Architecture (NI) 100 20 20
Software Engineering (SE) 100 20 20
Total 700 140 140

Experimental Result

Confusion Matrix:
A confusion matrix is a matrix chart used to evaluate the performance of a classification model. It helps measure the differences between predictions made by the model and the actual labels.

How to interpret the confusion matrix:

  • For each class, the number of actual samples correctly classified into that class is along the main diagonal from the top-left to the bottom-right.
  • The number of misclassified samples into other classes is in cells outside the main diagonal.

The model predicts results for 140 text segments from the test set.
The results of the confusion matrix show that the standalone RoBERTa group has scattered prediction results and a lower number of correct predictions compared to the other models.
Combining predictions from multiple models and using voting effectively mitigated the weaknesses of standalone RoBERTa. However, the TF-IDF + Logistic Regression model provides the best results.
==> Therefore, for this project, model enhancement could involve assigning weights to the model votes (Weighted Votings) to further improve ensemble model performance.

Model Accuracy:
Model has the accuracy score reachs 59%.
However, resource and time constraints have hindered achieving a better result. The above is a demonstration on a very small subset of the dataset. When performed on the entire dataset, it is possible to expect an accuracy of over 90%.
